Bellum Prototype v0.8.753 Development Logs

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Bellum Prototype v0.8.753 Development Logs

Post by berriesnturtles »

This is the 17th log entry for the Bellum project.

The newest model, prototype version 0.8.753, is finished and ready for testing. This will be a record of that test for my future reference.

This iteration features a round body and head, standing at 3ft, with an extra several inches for the antenna, which ends in a round green orb. All limbs have been removed from this version, as this allows for increased battle efficiency, and the increased power potential with this newest set of souls has proven to be… extremely promising.
The soul in question is one half fire genasi, one half shadow shadow genasi. The two appeared to have a tight bond in life, which should mean these souls will not reject one another now that they are tied together. I have great hopes for this version.

No issues upon exiting rest mode, aside from an as of yet unexplained flickering of the eyes for a few brief moments. The body suspension apparatus appears to be functioning, although its currently limited range is quite unfortunate. This will need to be fixed in the following version.
The soul housing unit remains flawless, and the energy siphon operates at peak efficiency, although prolonged siphoning, or periods of increased usage, appears to result in soul instability. Doubtless a side effect of the opposing elements of the two halves, though I doubt this will result in any significant issue.

The AI remains to be tested, although given the results of all previous iterations I have no doubt of its ability to impress. Coordination still requires calibration, I imagine. The information database appears to have survived upload without any corruption.
Remote connection to the unit remains moderately fuzzy, I doubt the events in which it is necessary will arise, but nevertheless it would be good to see to it that this is fixed.

Should this version perform as well as I hope, there may not even be a need for myself to pull this one out of use.

. . .

This is the 18th log entry for the ever ongoing Bellum Project.

Version 0.8.753 has been serving as my most efficient soul collector yet. I must admit it has surpassed even my wildest expectations.

And yet, I remain concerned for the longevity of this version. The soul remains unstable, often eating one half or the other of itself up to the point where I must entirely disable use of one element or the other in the AI’s programming until the weaker half has a chance to recover.

And that brings me to my other concern. The AI is developing more and more bizarre… Quirks. It has algorithms designed to allow it to learn and grow as it performs, but certain recent additions to its program almost seem more like hindrances. I cannot help but wonder if the unstable nature of its power source is contributing to these bizarre quirks. If I do not find a way to undo the damages, I fear that 0.8.753 may develop an entire mind of its own.

Unfortunately, I do not have the time to be constantly checking up on every line of complex, encrypted code just to undo a few bugs whenever they show up. I need a more permanent solution, although I find myself at a loss for how to go about it. If I am unlucky enough, I may have to wrestle for control of it, maybe even wait to implement this theoretical solution in the following versions first.

Should worse come to worse version .9, or perhaps even 1.0, can retrieve it for me. In pieces if it has to.

These units are like children to me, I cannot allow such disgusting glitches to propagate. The development of a personality would only get in the way of their inevitable perfection.
Looks like you need to collect 200 of me for your fucking quest!
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Re: Bellum Prototype v0.8.753 Development Logs

Post by berriesnturtles »

Bit of backstory for our favorite oc, who I recently transferred into a more generic dnd setting. Featuring the perspective of her mad scientist/litch creator
Looks like you need to collect 200 of me for your fucking quest!
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